Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ayurvedic Insight and Case Studies on Cervical Spondylitis

Cervical spondylitis or Spondylosis is very common disease which worsens with age. This is the general term for age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in neck. These discs dehydrate and shrink, bone spurs and other signs of osteoarthritis gradually develop. Cervical spondylitis results in a narrowing of the space needed by the spinal cord and the nerve roots that originate at the spinal cord and pass through the spine to the rest of your body.
Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Spondylitis

If the spinal cord or nerve roots become pinched following symptoms are experienced:

• Tingling, numbness and weakness in your arms, hands, legs or feet.
• Lack of coordination and difficulty walking.
• Loss of bladder or bowel control.
The bones and cartilages of the backbone and neck gradually wear and tear with age. Certain changes like dehydrated disks, herniated disks, bone spurs, stiff ligaments.


Ayurveda Understanding of Cervical Spondylitis

According to the ancient Indian healing wisdom science of Ayurveda 
Vata, the principle dosha for movement, is the predominant function with the skeleto-muscular system and the nervous system. Problems relating to these systems are predominantly caused by aggravated and imbalanced Vata. Vatavyadhis comes under a group of diseases which is manifested by dhatu kshaya or margavarana and those are classified according to hetu, sthana and lakshana. In the classification of dhatukshayajanya vatavyadhis, many degenerative conditions are considered. Cervical spondylosis can be considered one among them and can be compared with ‘Vishwachi’.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Cervical Spondylitis

Treatment for cervical spondylitis depends on the severity of your signs and symptoms. The goal of treatment is to relieve pain, help you maintain your usual activities as much as possible, and prevent permanent injury to the spinal cord and nerves. Although the modern science medicine uses certain muscle relaxants, anti-seizure drugs, narcotics and steroid injections as pain-relievers.

Panchakarma Ayurvedic Treatments for Cervical Spondylitis 

In Ayurveda, a traditional holistic Indian health care system, 
Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatments are the best option to reduce the symptoms of neck pain and disc compression as experienced by those suffering from the malady of Cervical Spondylitis.

The Panchakarma treatments include :

Basti (Enema): This is considered as the mother of all Panchakarma treatments since it cleanses the accumulated toxins from all the 3 doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, through the colon. Medicated oil or ghee and an herbal decoction is given as enema to clean the colon through the rectum and increase the muscle tone.

Kati basti: The process of pouring warm medicated oil for 20 minutes releases stiff, tight and inflamed muscles and the oil penetrates deeply to nourish the ligaments and tendons. A very effective treatment for back pain, stiffness, and other back concerns related to spinal disc problems. The local Marma points are energized, and the warm herbal oil soothes the pain.

Shirodhara: Pouring continuous stream of medicated oil, buttermilk etc on the fore head and doing a gentle & soothing head massage which creates profound relaxation of the mind and body and revitalizes the central nervous system.

Abhyanga: A whole body massage with specific herbal oils, achieves deepest healing effects by naturally harmonizing body, mind, soul and the senses. The oil is massaged into the entire body before bathing or showering to restore the flow of vital energy, Prana, where it has become blocked.

Swedana: Is a traditional steam therapy designed to open tissues with the saturation of heat and moisture. This method reduces inflammation, improving circulation, and promoting healing and restoration reducing pain in cervical (Neck) and Lumbar (Lower back) part.

Patra Pinda Sweda (Medicated bundle fomentation): Medicated oil massage and fomentation with bundle of herbs, which reduces pain and swelling of the joints and also checks degenerative process inside of the body.

Sweda (Medicated Steam bath): Fomentation with medicated steam for Stiffness due to neurological disorders and gives instant relief from pain, spasm of the muscles, inflammation of the joints.

Nasyam: (administration of medicated oil through the nose) Cleanses accumulated 
Kapha toxins from the head and neck region.
Elakizhi: (herbal leaf bundle massage) Entire body is massaged with herbal poultices, prepared with various herbs and medicated powder after they are warmed in medicated oils.
Shastika Sali Pinda Swedam/ Navarakizhi: A highly effective rejuvenation technique using a special type of rice that is cooked, tied into boluses and dipped into an herbal decoction and warm milk, then skilfully massaged all over the body.
Pizhichil (medicated oil bath): Fresh linen dipped in lukewarm medicated oil is squeezed over your body while masseurs slowly and gently rub the oil all over.
Greeva Basti: A treatment done on the neck to decrease cervical spinal compression.
Ayurvedic Case Studies on Cervical Spondylitis
1. An observational clinical study was conducted on 22 patients (aged between 18 – 70 years) of Greeva stambha vis-a-vis cervical spondylosis selected from OPD/ IPD of Central Research Institute in Ayurveda (CRIA), Punjabi Bagh, New-Delhi, satisfying the inclusion criteria. The Vatahara treatment viz. Maha Yogaraj Guggulu 500 mg BD, Panchguna tail for local use and Nadi sweda (Local steam with Dashmoola Kwatha) were given for seven days. The symptoms of the disease were observed in the patients were Pain in the neck, Headache, Numbness/Tingling sensation in arm and Pain with neck movements Weakness of arm and Dizziness. The results were assessed on the basis of symptomatic improvement using visual analogue scale. Improvement was observed in most of the symptoms due to reduction in inflammation and spasm provided by Vatahara treatment and Nadi Sweda (local heat).
2. In another clinical study conducted at Dept. of Panchakarma, Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, India, the effect of Panchatikta Kshira Basti along with Asthishrinkhala Vati and Nirgundi Patrapinda Sweda along with Asthishrinkhala Vati were studied and compared. Both of these groups were also compared to Asthishrinkhala Vati (Shamana) Group. The result of combination proved better. In Neurological manifestation Basti proved better, whereas in symptoms like stiffness, pain, tenderness Patrapinda Sweda showed better results.
3. The randomized controlled clinical trial study was conducted on a total of 36 registered patients (both sexes, aged between 20-60 years) diagnosed as Cervical Spondylosis coming under the inclusion criteria. These Patients were selected from the OPD of Department of Kaya Chikitsa and Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda College Hospital, Thruvananthapuram and were randomly distributed in Nasya group and control group. The duration of the study was 21days along with of 1-month follow-up. Abhyanga and Ushma Sveda of head and neck were performed. Abhyanga of Urdhvanga was done with Dhanvantaram Tailam. Nasya with 21times avartita Dhanvantaram Tailam was done for 7 days in Madhyama Matra. The Madhyama Matra of Taila is 8 Bindu, which becomes approximately 4ml. Conservative management including Rooksha Sveda, Patra Pottali Sveda and internal medicines like Gandharvahastadi Kashaya and Guggulu Tiktaka Kashaya along with Nasya relieves the clinical signs and symptoms of cervical spondylosis better than conservative management devoid of Nasya. Conservative management along with Nasya reduces pain, neck stiffness, tenderness, radiation of pain and numbness and improves the range of movements of the cervical spine more effectively. Brimhana Nasya can decrease the rate of degeneration. Analysis of various parameters before and after Nasya proved the specific efficacy of reducing the pain, stiffness, tenderness and radiation of pain. Also it could improve the range of movements.

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